Yes, the following products are in stock and available for single-unit purchases:
- Air conduction headphones: Duo, Air X1, Air X3, Legato, Duet Lite, Duet
- Bone conduction headphones: Rondo, Forte, Bone X1, Bone X2, Bone F1, BoneHearing S1, BoneHearing F2
For products without a stock plan, a minimum order quantity is required:
- Air conduction headphones: Sonata, Alto, Lento, Trio, Air X4, Septette (MOQ: 1000 units)
- Bone conduction headphones: Bone F4, Wave, Bone X4, Bone X5 (MOQ: 1000 units)
- Other open-ear audio products: AirPro Eyewear (MOQ: 500 units), OPENEAR B1, Sleep Headphones Y1, Rhyme Band, Helmet Headphones (MOQ: 30,000 units)
Products without a stock plan can be produced based on orders. Feel free to contact us for more information on orders or stock availability.